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Lungisani Zulu re-elected as President of the Law Association of Zambia

Lungisani Zulu has been re-elected as President of the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) for another two years.

President Hakainde appoints Zambia’s first female Minister of Justice

President Hakainde Hichilema, on 5 June 2024, carried out his first significant cabinet reshuffle and appointed Princess Kasune as Zambia’s first female...

Zambia’s Cooperatives Societies Act Under Review

Government reviewing the Cooperatives Societies Act (the Act) to enhance the legal status of the cooperative movement and align it with the...

Zambia: Amendment to Marriage Act Enacted, Child Marriage Outlawed

Zambia has enacted an amendment (Amendment Act) to the 1918 Marriage Act that raised the minimum marriage age to 18 for all marriages, including those concluded...

Nakasamba Banda succeeds James Banda as CIArb Zambia Branch Chair

A new chairperson for the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Zambia branch (CIArb-Zambia) has been announced. She is Nakasamba Tikambenji Banda-Chanda, who succeeds...