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Legal IndustryRegulatory

Zambia’s ATI Law Operationalised

Zambia Access to Information (ATI) Law takes Effect


Access Bank Zambia Limited’s merger with Atlas Mara legally complete

Access Bank Zambia Limited (Access Bank) has announced that it has made significant progress in its combination with African Banking Corporation Zambia Limited,...

Legal Industry

Nakasamba Banda succeeds James Banda as CIArb Zambia Branch Chair

A new chairperson for the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Zambia branch (CIArb-Zambia) has been announced. She is Nakasamba Tikambenji Banda-Chanda, who succeeds James...


Zambia’s ATI law set to take effect in June 2024

Ministry of Information and Media (MIM) Permanent Secretary, Thabo Kawana, says the ATI law will go into effect in June 2024.

Legal Industry

Lungisani Zulu re-elected as President of the Law Association of Zambia

Lungisani Zulu has been re-elected as President of the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) for another two years.

BusinessLegal Industry

Zambia increases the value of fee and penalty units

Zambian government enacted Statutory Instrument No. 25 of 2024 (SI 25) to increase the fees payable to many government ministries, including fees relating...